DeLorimier Winery – Summer Music Series Kick-Off

The Delta Rockets @ DeLorimier Winery

The Delta Rockets @ DeLorimier Winery

The Delta Rockets returned to the beautiful DeLorimier Winery in Sonoma County last night for the kick-off of the Friday Night Summer Music Series and had an absolute BLAST playing for all the music lovers out there. This was our second performance out there, with our first being 2 years ago, along with our show at the HQ winery, Wilson Winery last year. The folks at Wilson Artisan Wineries and particularly the staff at DeLorimier are so wonderful to work with and treated us like rock-stars the entire night. We hope to return to DeLorimier Winery next year and do it all over again! A huge thanks goes out to all the wine and music lovers for coming out and supporting both great wine and great music!

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