Vacaville Blues Festival

TDR @ the Vacaville Blues Festival

TDR @ the Vacaville Blues Festival

Another Downtown Vacaville Blues Festival comes to a close and we are pleased as punch to have been a part of it again.

We want to send out a huge thanks to Chris Holmes for being our go-to pro on the keys today covering for Kevin. We have it on good authority from our additional special guest Keith Vaughn, that the rumors are true. Chris is a legit “legend”. He has the “bag” as proof. More thanks also to Matty T and Jeff Clark for a tremendous job making all the bands sound so good all weekend!

And one last thanks has to go out to Downtown Bob Vollmer and his crew of ultra hardworking friends and co-workers for engineering this spectacular annual event for the fans in this city and beyond. You all should be super proud.

And thanks to Bob Vollmer, Darice Johnson and Debbie Heath-Bordeaux for these great photos.

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